5 Products That Will Naturally Clean Your Home

Non Harmful Cleaners

Our instinct is often to turn to chemical solutions when we want to deep clean our homes, and usually because we assume that they’ll do the job better due to their strength. However, that isn’t the case with most household chores, and these natural products can be made into quick and easy cleaning solutions that will cleanse your home better than any chemical but not leave your eyes stinging!

1.White Vinegar

This can be used to clean almost anything in the home:

mix half a cup of vinegar with a bucket of hot water and add a squirt of lemon juice to make it smell fresher, then use it to clean your floors

Fill an old spray bottle with 3 parts water and one-part vinegar to use as a general cleaner around the home

For removing carpet stains, soak the affected area with vinegar and lay a towel over it. Blot the area with the towel, never rub and vacuum afterwards if necessary.

2.Baking soda

In much the same way as vinegar can be used in conjunction with water, baking soda makes a great bathroom and kitchen cleaner:

mix baking soda with water to make a thick, glue-like paste that you can put onto an old toothbrush and use to eliminate mildew stains in your bathroom

use the same paste to clean sinks and faucets, and it will also help to remove the smell of urine from bathroom floors

3.Olive Oil

This versatile solution can be used to clean some surprising items in your home:

combine a teaspoon of olive oil with a tablespoon of vinegar and warm water in a spray bottle and use the solution to polish up wooden furniture or fixtures. If you want to achieve a deeper clean finish, then mix equal parts olive oil with hot water and wipe clean with a damp towel

4.Dish soap

Simply look for a dish soap that contains no chemicals (or at the very least, a smaller amount than the average dish soap) and is preferably organic and fragrance free, which will be far less irritating for your eyes and skin:

for badly stained items of clothing, pre-soak them in cold water once you’ve rubbed dish soap onto the stains, then simply wash as normal

using a spray bottle containing 3 parts water to one-part vinegar and a tablespoon of dish soap, clean grimy mirrors and windows

wooden and tiled floors can be cleaned by adding half a cup of dish soap to a bucket of hot water


While lemons can be used alone to help clean and freshen up many items and places around your home, they are best used in conjunction with vinegar and baking powder:

place lemon peels into a container and cover them with vinegar, then let them sit and steep for around 2 weeks. Remove the peels and decant the remaining solution into a spray bottle, and you have a versatile cleaner that smells great and is fantastic for getting rid of grease and grime around the home

There are many professional cleaning companies who use natural products to clean their customers’ homes, and with their flexible budget plans, there is bound to be a cleaning company out there who can meet all your cleaning needs, naturally.