Tips For a Sparkling Glass Shower Door

women cleaning glass

Nothing looks more elegant and stylish than a glass shower door – when it’s sparkling clean. However, glass shower doors are notoriously difficult to keep clean, and are often marred by streaks, spots and hardwater stains.

To keep your glass shower door looking as spotlessly clean as the day it was first installed, here are a few handy tips:

Daily maintenance is key

Using a daily shower spray right from the get go is the best way to keep the shower door looking clean, and makes spot cleaning much easier. However, if you inherited a grubby glass shower door, you can deep clean it using some of the methods below, and then use a daily shower spray from thereon in.

When it comes to what you spray the door with, you can buy a solution from the store, or make your own simple spray using the ingredients listed below:

  • ½ cup of vodka or rubbing alcohol
  • 1 cup of water
  • 10 drops peppermint essential oil
  • Glass spray bottle (better for the environment than using plastic)

Simply combine the ingredients in a spray bottle, giving the mixture a good shake before each use, and spray the shower door every day after showering. Leave the mixture to sit and while you can rinse it off after an hour or so, it’s not necessary.

Remove excess water after showering

It can be helpful to use a tool to remove any excess water from the shower door after each use, and as it only takes a few seconds to do, it’s worth the effort.

Weekly cleaning is essential

For the average shower, cleaning it thoroughly once a week should be enough to keep it clean and free from mold and mildew. You can use the shower spray detailed above and once a week, pay extra attention to wiping down any hard water spots; if these are particularly stubborn, you can use white vinegar on a cloth or sponge to dissolve them.

Disinfecting your shower

With the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic in mind, disinfecting your shower has become more important than ever before, and is something you should try to do at least bi-weekly if someone in your household has a cold or any other contagious virus. Below are the ingredients for an effective disinfecting bathroom spray:

  • 1 ¼ cups of water
  • ¼ cup of white vinegar
  • ¼ cup of rubbing alcohol
  • 15 drops of essential oil (use your favorite aroma)

Monthly or deep cleaning

Scrubbing and steaming are two very effective methods for deep cleaning your glass shower door, and you can use a combination of baking powder, white vinegar and lemon juice to make a paste for scrubbing tougher stains on your shower door. Spray it with your cleaning solution first, wipe it down and then add the paste and lightly scrub until clean. Rinse thoroughly afterwards.

Steaming is done with the use of a steam cleaner, and it will help clean all corners of the shower, and one of the attachments should work well on the glass door.

Fed up with a grubby shower? Have a cleaning service give it a good clean once a week as part of their routine, and then all you have to do is spray it down with a cleaning solution after every use; simple!